Refund Policy for Solidex Ltd Services

Thank you for choosing Solidex Ltd, operated by ENVIRE DEVELOPMENT LTD. We prioritize the satisfaction of our customers.

Money-Back Guarantee

Every service acquired through our website,, is backed by a full money-back guarantee. Should you find yourself unsatisfied or if you believe the service was not provided, we’re here to assist.

Procedure to Request a Refund

  1. Navigate to
  2. Detail your concerns in a message.
  3. Our finance department will subsequently review your request.

Method of Refund

All refunds will be issued to the original mode of payment used during the transaction.

Refund Request Period

Kindly note that all refund requests should be made within a 30-day window from the date of purchase. Any requests post this period will not qualify for a refund.

Reach Out to Us

Should you have any inquiries or require more information regarding our refund policy, feel free to connect with us:

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